How does someone speak with so much confidence on something they know nothing about. You said “Without masks, social distancing” lmao
How does someone speak with so much confidence on something they know nothing about. You said “Without masks, social distancing” lmao
Lol okay Kenneth. By all means, show me your “data.” Otherwise, kindly stfu.
ACAB through and through.
I’m always so torn on Marjorie Taylor Greene as she is a sitting Congressperson who is obviously committed to being a cancer on democracy while spreading insane lies and fueling dangerous conspiracy theories. Yet at the same time she is such a caricature of a right wing politician that I just keep laughing at all her…
The thing that leaves out is that it is EXTREMELY unlikely you will get to anything near 1000 viewers on Twitch. If you are averaging 1000 viewers, you are in the top 1% or so of all streamers on Twitch. And I have no idea what the article is referring to with videos, as it seems to classify them as different than…
As Trump continues to babble lies about election fraud and the massive conspiracy to steal the election. He really should be hanged from a scaffold on the National Mall.
I’m pretty sure they modeled Aerith off of a Japanese woman, not an American.
Thanks to this article, I investigated the style guidelines for using Actor for men and women, and was surprised to find my original opinion changed. Thanks.
I had mine on a 250gb ssd. not enough room to download the update that lets you uninstall parts of the game. so I just uninstalled the game completely.
Ding him points for failure to provide any reputable source for his claims as that is part of demonstrable skill in writing an essay.
The article should read that seven students were then expelled from the school.
Gayle can shut the fuck up.
Lol, I hope you have a long and happy life and - in your advanced years - are never troubled by someone like yourself.
You clearly want to justify a minor being in porn.
Oh yeah. Lords was a victim who was lucky enough to escape alive. The fact that almost 40 years later society still wants to hang a “little slut who fooled us” sign on her says volumes.
Who cares? Nothing really matters when Trump is the president.
This was one of the first games I owned as a kid. A family friend gave it to me for Christmas in 1990, if memory serves. I never made it very far, but it made a real impression on me on account of how creepy I thought it was. Even as an adult, I feel like it has this low, creepy hum to it.
That only applies when G/O media doesn’t get a cut of the sales in some way.
That only applies when G/O media doesn’t get a cut of the sales in some way.
The greatest contribution Cain ever made to this society is dying. Fuck Herman Cain into the furthest corner of Hades. And may Donald Trump cozy up next to him in the near future.