
How about you recommend people buy directly from the developers, CD Projekt Red, who will get 100% of the proceeds for their own work instead of all the middle-men taking a percentage? I’ll make it easy for you.

How about you recommend people buy directly from the developers, CD Projekt Red, who will get 100% of the proceeds

I’ve been using the rotted orchard metaphor for a while now. #SwitchToOranges

And now 57 of those MF’ers resigned in protest of the 2 being suspended. #byefelecia

There’s a point to not expanding the moderators. If you have 6 mods of each ethnic origin, the in-fighting just starts again on another level, this time between the mods. In their position, they can ban and delete and it just becomes a shit show. Better to shut it down with some dignity than to let it rot from the

id doesn't have the stems, so they can't make the detailed versions.

You have a day job?

I don’t know who this lipa person is, but I do know what a ripped off INXS riff sounds like.

The Moderna vaccine will not work. Moderna has the infrastructure to generate something very quickly, but they were allowed to skip many of pre-clinical development steps so that Trump could say that a vaccine was being tested in human. In any other situation, the IND application would have been lauhged at and soundly

Why would you put spoilers in a review that you admitted virtually no one got to see? Even with the tag, you’ve shrunk your audience to virtually nil.

They’ve only broken immersion once, and that was for 9/11. Let them be awful people on their own without having the added anxiety that the rest of us are dealing with. There’s plenty for them waiting.

Pretty much my first reaction - it’s not going to look good in a few years’ time. Too fine, unless you’re getting touchups every year.

Well she didn’t, like, WRITE anything. Someone else did that. She may have banged some phone screen on iMessenger and sent it to some poor schlub from the publishing house.

The freemium price range is $0.99-$79.99. No thanks.

Funded by the government of China

When will it be a requirement for these businesses to to disclose their bigoty? Save everyone some time, put a big “No Coloreds Allowed”-like sign right out in front, and let the free-market economy do its thing.

Maybe just see if his face smells like grandma.

Some people naturally suck at FPS. Some people choose to suck at FPS. Who are we to judge?

Fuck me people are so dumb.

Peak fandom.

There is no tear drop mana. There is PEE mana. You can tell because it’s yellow.