What happened to those sad singing and dancing Trump girls (that never got paid)? Are they now old enough for Trump to sexually assault?
What happened to those sad singing and dancing Trump girls (that never got paid)? Are they now old enough for Trump to sexually assault?
Pffft. When I was a kid, it was sink or swim.
All good things to those who wait
Other qustions: clear conditions for multiplayer? 100-man is dead? What are the course tags? How does the filtering work? Are the same difficulty brackets still there?
Lanky is out.
So....an underpaid staffer was forced to commit a crime to cover rent. That’s our government!
Follow-up article: “How not to give a crap if other people find you boring but it’s really that they’re self-centered and you don’t share common interests.”
So.....Rodan is MLM? I suspected but didn’t want to ask.
The judge in the case threatened to revoke port access, or so I heard.
So, like using the Captain America Civil War Sokovia Accords?
There’s an easy way to cut down on this: no free emotes. Got Twitch Prime? Then your (parent’s) Amazon account is at risk for a racist ban.
Come on now. Aunt Becky was inside of us all along.
Isolation booths. Everyone spells the same word at the same time. Last one that gets it is eliminated if no one has got it wrong. If Big Brother can find a winner every week, so can these clowns.
And I think you’re missing my point entirely. If you want to discriminate, you ave to own it. No more quiet racism. No more hypocritical “Christians.” If you’re an awful person, it’s time to declare it and face the social shaming that comes with it.
Shouldn’t you be grateful that there’s no instances of sexual assault coming forward? Can’t we have one thing that’s not completely awful?
I’m of two minds of this.
FYI, GrandPooBear (of Warp World), cliffy, and BarbarousKing are playing 100 Ways to Die tonight in Super Mario Maker. It’s an absolute blast to watch and participate in.
The video got pulled. My Wednesday morning will go on unfulfilled.
I can only hope that the world last long enough for me to desecrate Trump’s grave. I’m fine having that on my permanent record.
When I got my Australian motorbike license, I had a 6-hour class and practical class, then I was issued a “Learner’s” license. I could take the next course to get my actual license no sooner than 60 days later, which I did. After that, it’s a year on a probationary license where I couldn’t get on anything over 750CCs.…