
I’m shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

If that’s the hill you want to die on... by all means. Hurk's parents are freaking hilarious.

And that pastor would be right. Northam may have been a shit in his younger years, but he isn’t now. But whatever, rain sulpher and brimstone, but don’t get mad when your house is up in flames too.

As a scientist working in the pharma industry making drugs for diabetics and obese persons, voting for Bernie is a no-go. He seems to think I should work for free. I agree with a lot of stuff he says, but his incessant attacks on my livelihood would be voting against my own economic interests, which is what put Trump

The MM servers are definitely a bear for Nintendo. However, with the vibrant MM community, I know of at least one person scraping the servers to make backups of all existing levels. I’d expect a hack has already been worked out and it’d be hard for Nintendo to make a stink about it without looking like a bag of dicks.

The Ocean Cleanup Project gets an okay from me until some of these critics, who have studied the ocean and watch it deteriorate, actually do something. Spending your career not doing anything then complaining that it isn’t being done right is just armchair quarterbacking.

I don’t understand how anyone is surprised. Spend a week in Virginia. This is par for the course.

I thought the halftime record was 2-0, not last night’s dreadful 3-0. It was a CBS stat and I’m too lazy to check.

Isn’t he ded?

Do you know who else’s rise to power was claimed as “ordained by God”?

Good luck with your diabetes!

*Proudly sponsored by the People’s Republic of China

My Nexus died the typical Nexus death. I bought a Roku instead.

I nearly 100%’ed Far Cry 5, so I think it’s time to dig into The Last of Us. No football and its freezing out, so this is peak gaming time.

You’re amazingly full of shit. Congratulations!

So long as she wasn’t banging the student, she gets a pass from me.

He looked like complete butt in the George Clooney The Descendants. You might not have even recognized him. I didn’t at first viewing.

Meh. The guys I follow, who all hit up SoT hard starting at pre-launch, have all moved on to Atlas. That they’ve stayed there, buggy servers and all, tells you something about the divide.

Why are you trying to slam a movie if you didn’t even pay attention? Yours, and most of the kinja comments, attack points that the movie itself addressed, explicitly. 

Did you know that when Superman debuted in Action Comics #1, he couldn’t fly?