People playing a free game bitch about things not being fair? Hmmm....
People playing a free game bitch about things not being fair? Hmmm....
It’s sutre, not sucre.
Then can you call it football if no one ever kicks the ball?
Wendy Testaburger, anyone?
They only get paid for words, not background work or adding links.
Didn’t the NFL try to get artists to pay THEM to be in the show? Whatever happened to that nonsense?
The Capital Wasteland and The Mojave were excellent sized maps. The greater Boston area had WAY too much crap packed in. I have no idea about West Virginia. I hear you can strip copper wiring from mines pretty easily.
Totally understandable. I hate running the same way. But how about finding something you enjoy, whether it be golf or basketball or rock climbing, and do that instead? Working out just to work out requires a lot of motivation. If you find a physically strenuous activity you enjoy, that’s just as good.
Pro tip: Don’t send your daughters to Baylor.
I had a thought since Bush is being buried at his Presidential Library. What’s Trump’s going to look like? Will he have one? Will it be filled with coloring books and play TMZ on repeat?
Completely worthless advice for The Binding of Issac.
This is horrific. Joining the military should be equated with playing contact football. Just replace TBI with PTSD.
No link to gameplay footage?
Aunt Lydia, indeed.
You forgot Grayson Allen, the assiest of asses.
Here’s the 2017 fatality report - it covers most of the US dropzones.
For the most part, GoPro’s are acceptable. The Sony x3000 line is also popular now. The big money goes into still cameras, which you don’t need for comps but you do need for publications.
Sounds like someone deepened his voice.
Ethan - we need to work on your priorities. You pay your rent 1st. Then you pay your insurance 2nd. Then you pay your bills 3rd. Artisanal pasta #1 isn’t a thing, and #2 comes way at the bottom of the food list after all the veggies you should be eating.
To be fair, you did turn on the TV. That was mistake #1.