There’s something to be said about being a massive pain in the ass.
There’s something to be said about being a massive pain in the ass.
Oh, you can fuck right off. I didn’t think judgy cunts frequented Lifehacker.
One step closer to no one wanting to host the games.
I watch movies because they are supposed to be fun escapes. Can you tell me what’s fun about Manchester By the Sea?
I say do the time. That’s $13k a day, plus 3 hots and a cot.
Obligatory “it’s a dildo. Never your dildo.”
Sensitive much? Maybe you missed the snark. Read again.
Hmmm. So little practical information.
You need to change the Result. He got a double minor because he drew blood.
There’s a serious lack of dancing.
WBC: This time, it really counts. Really. REALLY. Please watch.
It’s very easy - my personal experience. It’s validated through all the other comments in this thread that I assume you either didn’t read, or you ignored.
Maybe I can reexplain so you get it. For translators like XIM, your M+K movements translate through the controller. The controller and the translator are physically attached. While you can eliminate the dead zone and any input below 100% on an analog stick, you cannot overclock the sensitivity of the controller. You…
You should note that conversions are still bound by the limits of the controller. You can’t turn with a mouse any faster than you can with an analog stick hard over. The limits on upper sensitivity is why I won’t FPS on consoles. I tried XIM and it wasn’t anywhere close my PC setup.
Maybe he’ll pop. That’d be fun.
There are still two holes that will never be filled.
Well with that 3rd tweet, we can put this to bed forever. He doesn’t want to be there, so we don’t have to talk about it ever again.
I tweet Drumf every morning to remind him that he fucked up yesterday, and to not fuck up today.
Er, being 28th in attendance, 13,000 seats sounds exactly right.
It’s sad. He’s making such a name for himself that he’s going to get his ass beaten in his rookie season. And then just like (nearly) every other Dukie, will flame out before he can sign his next contract.