Meh. Play through the pain. Scale back if necessary. Or better yet, baby step forwards before that pain line so it doesn’t happen.
Meh. Play through the pain. Scale back if necessary. Or better yet, baby step forwards before that pain line so it doesn’t happen.
Probably the best perk I have at work is a full gym on campus. Classes morning, noon, and evening, machines, bikes, treadmills, and a newly expanded weight section. I now come in to work at 7:30am so that I can go to the gym at 10am when no one is there. HEAVEN.
I wanted to slap the guy doing rows inside the cage.
Why even wonder? Just use it, leave your white stains on the weights, and get in on the worried conversations from unsuspecting people when it happens.
Double faults?
The male/female thing is based on the assumption of males having increased muscle mass, hence needing more calories to maintain.
That Quincy Carter - now THAT was a quarterback!
Is this just a piece to fill your quota? Because this is some hot take shit, on Jezebel nonetheless.
If I’m reading this right, only the 12 full time ladies are required to perform. So that should be it. No more, no less. The absolute bare minimum. The rest should stand on the edge of the stage protesting.
Meanwhile, Jimmy Johnson is upset that Barry took his Starbucks. Jimmy ordered it, paid for it, and somehow Barry gets all the coffee.
It’s uncanny. How have I never noticed this before?
Since casein is derived from milk, why not just make a whey protein shake with milk? Then you get both.
Maybe they’ve found wireless transmissions not secure enough. Vadar knew the plans were sent, and there are obvious issue sending wirelessly while at light speed. And just like today, there might be speed advantages with a physical connection. Maybe the security algorithms require a dongle in every Imperial droid, but…
Christmas = Thanksgiving + presents.
Like half of all people are the worst. The other half tolerates them. If we were all the worst, we’d have killed ourselves long ago.
There was only one thing that really bothered me about the ending. They show every R1 member dying, and then the Death Star comes along and kills them all over again. It seemed melodramatic. I’d have preferred if the team was all working together right until the end and all got wiped out by the Death Star. Instead…
We can only hope that he doesn’t really mean it. It’s a lot of words though, so maybe. I stopped reading when he said it’s ridiculous that Bonds and McGuire aren’t in.
I came here directly to counterpoint. You beat me. Bravo.
Bonecharm order is random, I think.