
I’d go for the behavior mod chip before optical implants.

Actually, I questioned why the AUTHOR didn’t hold anyone truly accountable. After that, it’s post-modern karma. I never advocated 3rd party doxxing.

Does willful ignorance work in all aspects of your life? And why do you have children and cannibalism on your mind? Maybe step away from the internet for a while. I’m getting the feeling you have some larger problems.

That’s some very poor projection. I have only spoke about this situation.

I guess you missed the part about the ambitious internet starlet wannabe that not only has an ABC producer but also doesn’t understand how exploiting people is wrong.

I didn’t know people still lived in ignorance of 4chan. Good for you.

Why are you not outing these people? Internet justice will give Jess a bump in popularity. Just not the one she wants.

SOSUS? That’s not a thing.

No one wants Virginia. Even Virginia Tech would rather have WVU.

Hey! Hopkins is D1 in lacrosse! We switched when we joined the....I guess we’re in the Big10 now for lacrosse. Wimminz too!

Except the highest profile game is Florida/Georgia, which endures no matter what conferences both teams find themselves.

No one can make you like a style. I do have to question your tastes if you didn’t like the masquerade.

Like a non-lethal rat attack that makes everyone run away? I’d take that.

Both my sister and I will stop whatever we are doing to watch the Top That rap scene. I remember her being so angry when I pulled her away from her friends in college to stare at the TV for 2 minutes. Then she was like, “Anytime.”

It’s Clemson. Georgia’s rival is Florida. Which I guess puts Florida State and Miami together.

Even as a girl, Marley Shelton was gorgeous.


He obviously didn’t go to business school.

Fun fact: “How to Disappear Completely” comes from how Bono deals with stardom, related to Thom in the late 90s.

She should have one left. After Michael leaves, she’s still there. burn down the barn now and she’ll still be there when he’s gone.