Am I allowed to feel terrible for Beatty?
Am I allowed to feel terrible for Beatty?
Oh great. Now you’re hounding me about that shit, too.
4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?
I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.
And consistently is able to lie through his teeth and play the social media game without his entire country mocking him. As you kind of point out, he was elected as ‘Canada’s Trump’ whatever that is worth.
Trudeau’s public standing has fallen precipitously since reneged on his core campaign promise 2 weeks ago.
Ah, I see. Failing public schools that do not die are better than failing charter schools that do.
I did, looks like he links to the Standford/CREDO Michigan charter school study which showed charters doing better than their DPS counterparts but writes that it “found that charter and public-school students were essentially equally proficient in math and reading.” Not essientially equal, there was an increase. And…
The majority of people who benefit from voucher programs are poor and nonwhite. Black and Hispanic parents support school choice in overwhelming numbers .
Why are enlightened white progressives so against this again? Is it because they like their segregated schools based on real estate values?
I love politics when I’m trying to read sports news on Deadspin!
You sound like an absolute riot at parties.