Patrick Wood

no beacuse he didnt ask for over 1000%

Its gotta be somehwere in the Praries its gotta be there. Also they found some parts an ejection seat from one in the UK a few years back with no idea where they came from

Because they would just call and bitch to all the politicians they have bought and get a budget increase to cover the fines and then some

Only issue is see is that the Liberals have a rather checkered past in Transparent competitions. Having said that i fully agree that the F-35 was not the plane for Canada hell it might not be the plane for anyone

Well this and 9 year old tires cuz they’re still good right?

im just here for all the blind side jokes......

Its pretty delicious Kool-aide

And I think that one being shot down by a surface to air missle probably shouldnt be counted against over all safety.....but hey thats just me

As has been stated in more than one of tylers other articles or at least by him in the comments, the entire assembly line is in storage with detailed instructions and videos of every step of the build. If the US really needed more f-22s more f-22s they shall know in case the koreas get out of hand this

Lets be clear.....the tower is Edmonton and everything to do with that city is not

Confirmed not his. Its red and has the competition pack with 1100 hp and was only available on 06 and new models or something like that. Either way not his car but still god damn amazing

His is red i think and has some crazy racing spec. Couldnt see him selling it but then again I havent seem him post about it in a bit.

376,xxx Kms on mine....

Next decade hey. Hope they are already in testing somewhere then or they are gonna have to buck the ongoing “the f35 wont be able to drop this bomb till 2019” trend unless you meant the Chinese stole the plans and that they would actually be hitting the f35......i kid....kinda. From what ive seen i think there is

It is too bad about the f-22. I know AUS tried to get them instead of the F-35 and were told exactly where to go by the US.

I much prefer the awkard palm tree but to each their own.

Funny that we agree on something but youre right. the fifth gen Jets are increadible and once all the teething pains of new systems are worked out we will get to see just how increadible they really are. Even now the F-22 does some really amazing stuff against the 4th gen fighters they get to play with now.

Although possibly a good plane it has also been hampered by big delays and rising costs plus almost burning one of the prototypes to the ground after a flight due to an engine fire. Also Russia has slowed delivery from 50 by 2020 to 12. Thats gotta change the cost per unit a bit. Should be interesting to see what

I’d like to meet the tenth one

Silent Eagles and Advanced super Hornets....Best 4.5 fighters out there. proven and very stealthy yet not a disaster. Or at this point just fire the F-22 line back up the plane that was “too expensive” now looks like a god damn bargin