
Hahaha...Fcuk this guy.

That’s right. And the Electoral College is how the election is decided. If it was for popular votes, and popular votes only the Trump strategy would have been different and she still would have lost.

I have a better about the GOVERNMENT stops requiring so much our our money to operate? You base your theory on Gov’t not having any waste or misapropriation of funds. Until the Gov’t is above board and has zero or at least close to zero waste I don’t give a rat’s ass what any one person does to avoid paying

I was thinking the same thing. Figured somebody on here would be asking what type of a/c that was, and then I could swoop in with my vastly superior aircraft knowledge and dazzle them.

“And I would like to point out that this kind of shit doesn’t really happen in places where there’s nationalized health care. Just sayin.’”

Patrick George, thank GOD we have you to point this out to us.

A totally baseless statement. But don’t let that stop you from hiding behind your computer and making it. You sir, are an A$$hole.

Those are “doublers”. Especially around the door. Probably for fatigue cracks.


Haha...and it will still come in less than what it takes to fly Air Force 1 around. That’s not a cheap ticket...all those trips to Martha’s Vineyard and Hawaii.