
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.

Ricky, who lives in Sunnyvale

Ok I’m interested

The square hole is a jack point the round is for torsion bar.

For the jack.

Barber: What kind of look are you going for, bud?

You called?

pretty sure that’s a field of grass, I see no excellence growing anywhere

That’s the best answer yet.

Do not recall making a single joke about the fires in Alaska, but hey, you will read it as you want to, I can’t change that.

I have friends who lost their house in the Willow fire in June, so thanks, but I am educated enough to know not all the fires are in unpopulated areas... I was simply stating why some of the fires are left alone to burn, not all. Thanks for trying to educate me though, about things happening in my own home state.

but... think of the bears!

I completely agree, forest fires are natures way of renewing the landscape. I was just pointing out the differences between how fires are handled in CA and in AK

Exactly. Plus, wildfires are natural and required for a sustainable ecosystem. In California they’re probably trying to extinguish the fires, where in Alaska they’re probably just making sure they don’t hurt anyone.

Not much point in protecting land that doesn’t have a single human resident living in it, or even within a 30 mile radius.

Google Alphabet? Silicon Valley? HooliXYZ? I feel so out of touch for not knowing what any of those are... :(

I don’t know about you guys, but chrome seems very craptastic and heavy (processor and memory intensive) these days on my windows 10 and OS X Yosemite computers. I actually switched back to Safari and moved over to edge

Diet Coke can’t melt steel beams!

Can it really be called reaction time if this is obviously premeditated?

Staged? no, I don’t think so, it just looks undercut.