
Ah, yeah, well also, I just noticed, that if it is that red truck in the photo, it is a 2001-2004. 2005 is the redesign year and with that comes the big jump in cost.

2005 Frontier V6, 5 speed, 4x4, for only $5000? That is a pretty good deal, I have been looking. That would be about $8000+ where I will be moving to in a month’s time.

Cheap aftermarket seat covers...

You gonna pull the heads to fix the carb?! Are you a real mechanic, or just winging it?

Woops! I Googled “Young Teen Panda Massage” and forgot the Fiat part... my eyes!

I guess so... Cancel all meetings, take the day off!

Well, good thing I am none of those!

Of course.

In this thread Jalops post pics of their fancy watches to try to impress other Jalops...


Get on Oppo, search for Opponaut in your area with a stick, if you match you must smoke/drink/fu.... err, I mean learn to drive stick.

I was back in the USA visiting my parents last month and from what I could see nearly all American commercials have reached peak stupid.

So some relatively unknown company that has a free to play game being their biggest title is releasing a card game... as so many other companies have done in the last few years since Hearthstone’s release was a hit? Wow, breaking news.

Andrew, check out this Scout I saw while on vacation in Alaska last month! It’s MINT! It had the full drivetrain in it engine to axles. I was looking at it thinking how close to being on the trail it might be and my brother was looking at it wondering how much he could get for it in scrap metal prices! Nooooooooo!

Jesus, you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here to make some sort of anti-America comment aren’t ya?