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    Oh what's that? We should value and mourn all victims of violence equally, regardless of citizenship/location...by minimizing a traumatic, violent event because it didn't happen in a specific country? Fuck. you. Take your smug college 101 arguments and get the fuck out.

    Now playing

    Here, cry some more. We can talk about animal testing, too. There are also a lot of youtube videos of rescued beagles freaking out over grass. Bile bears. Dairy farms. Humans can really make the world an ugly place.

    Sudafed was awesome, but I'm pretty sure it's useless now. I don't have much experience with heavy physical work and illness, but I can try? I've also never used those daytime cold medicines, but maybe they work? If you're in pain, pain reliever should probably be a priority (but I'd ask a pharmacist about mixing cold

    Liberal cities in Texas are really interesting, too! I've never lived in Texas, and it took me a while to believe that Austin and Houston are the cities that they are. The development of the South is really fascinating in general, especially when the rest of the country still sees it as so backwards (and obviously

    Yeah, but now it's close to 70, so. Let's go to the pool.

    Yeah, that's why I shop really late at night.

    Yes. The need to just flee even when you're doing really important things is something people have a hard time understanding, and the defeat. Oh the crushing sense of worthlessness.

    Hey I didn't even know that! That's awesome!

    I have oily skin, really prone to break outs. I finally went to a dermatologist and she recommended Elta MD for Skin Types Prone to Acne, Rosacea, and Hyperpigmentation (they make a few different ones, but the one for acne is the one that I have). I would probably consider it pricier than drugstore. I got it from my

    Georgia is actually a really interesting state - Atlanta and surrounding suburbs are incredibly diverse and have huge black populations. But they are very clearly distributed by race and if you look at a demographic distribution map the lines are very clear (another comment about the public transportation in Atlanta

    Can I just say I am loving the picture in the link - all those people in that big fucking white palace, deciding whether impoverished families's ability to eat should be contingent on children's school achievement (the beautiful catch-22, schools are increasingly underfunded so success is more and more difficult).

    Yeah, after reading it it seems scarier...

    Actually, the issue is that we're supposed to be really into his penis. Women are objectified and reduced to body parts, and in turn, women are expected to do the same. That is, our thoughts are supposed to rarely develop beyond "He's so hot" and "She's prettier than me wahhh is she really prettier than me? Why would

    I am not discounting her experiences, but I don't think the criminal justice system should be based on retribution.

    I agree. I think the football careers is a more salient punishment than prison, because I just think prison does more harm than good, but I agree that the punishment now is all we have. Most rapists are normal young adult men, rather than psychopaths.

    Yes, it could, maybe. But it likely will not serve as a deterrent to future crimes. For a punishment to have a deterrence effect it has to occur quickly, be severe enough to fit the crime, and it has to be certain. I think this will contribute to the "certain," maybe, but rape culture has a long way to go until then.

    I don't think anyone should be locked up for thirty years. For any crime.

    I am unable to disagree. That is the best option right now.

    I'm going to back you up to an extent. Our criminal justice system is so punitive it does more way more harm than even a modicum of good. This case is awful, and those boys were found guilty of a crime they are in fact guilty of committing. But the solution is not to lock them away for 3 years and just wait. That is

    "Here's Eva Longoria displaying her "curves" in a bathing suit."