Vespasian Clark

At least on Fridays, the Trenton Thunder are taking the field as the Trenton Pork Roll this season. As a Mercer County native, I’m fully in support of them going for the real name for our disgusting pork-byproduct-loaf rather than the alliterative Trenton Taylor Hams.

I don’t think they sell the hanging rails and map corners as standalones anymore. The link for those has been dead the last couple times you’ve had a post with a coupon for the site.

I don’t think they sell the hanging rails and map corners as standalones anymore. The link for those has been dead

I worked the editing software, actually.

I was at the game. The play wasn’t a ball hit past Dante, he rushed the transfer to his throwing hand and sailed the ball to the first base dugout. We were confused how it was even considered a hit in the first place.