Haha, I agree with the jabs you're making at WoW for sure. :)
Haha, I agree with the jabs you're making at WoW for sure. :)
Touche fine sir, touche. I am quite rusty on my Terminator infoz. :)
Perfect! You are the winner of today's Hero of the Day award. Thank you very very much for that! #nostalgia
But ... but ... The T-1000 was for GOOD. And he gave a thumbs up. :)
I have to admit, even though I have SW:TOR to play, I was very tempted to grab the sale price version of Rift to give 'er the old college try. Your review does make me kind of want to do that even moreso.
Kay. I absolutely 100% swear this is NOT trolling or anything, but it feels like a surprisingly appropriate place to ask a nagging question i've had for literally years.
Maybe i'm misinterpreting the movie (or source material which is terrifying in comparison), but how is Pinocchio a villain?
I may have to refresh my knowledge of said ending, but i'm fairly certain it was a timey-wimey ending which had Janeway going back in time to fix their Space Zoom so that less people died, and did so with a ballin' Voyager with awesome armor and all that.
I wanted to first thank you for an excellent post which really makes a lot of great points and definitely brings a lot to discuss.
Setting aside some of the veiled passigve agressive statements you felt necessary to include, I would like to first thank you for bring up an excellent line of discussion in response to my post.
I think that the entirety of your post can be essentially summed up in two responses, of which I do not at all intend insult or beration at all.
Well sir, I greatly appreciate your rational and intellectual response, especially in light of such a difficult and often controversially flame-bait-y subject. It is refreshing and stimulating. :)
Well. Kind of. They sort of 'end-capped' it. They told us the Future, and then how it got there, essentially.
Yes, I agree, those sprites look gorgeous! Hopefully the gameplay matches it! :)
As an avid player of WoW, who no longer even thinks of it after playing Star Wars: TOR,... i'm going to go ahead and deny this motion.
And his power/unique ability?... Passive aggressive critiques on your use of plants and staunch stubbornness when mocking your spending habits? Coming Soon: I, Zombie... featuring: iZombie - A job for Jobs.
A Mega classic, obviously.
Yeah, I would totally buy that. Mostly because it would be a step into a different genre for the Lego games which are all fun, but starting to go stale just for lack of variety in genre, not content.
I thought that there was at least a rumor of a Jericho movie after Season 2? And, yes yes yes to Deep Space 9 movie. I'd also take a Voyager movie (just so much potential with that unexplored part of the galaxy), and even an Enterprise movie (season 3 was one of my favorites of any season of any show ever).
Mine wasn't bundled with the bigger battery, but with my company discount, it wasn't much over $20 for it. I did find it amusing that, with all the very nice Verizon rep did for me (put the screen protector on - very well I might add), he did not put the extended battery in the phone.