
@catsmeatpotterpirbright: I agree with a few of your points here, such as the more closed system and perhaps a base processor rule, but I think you need to consider in that although the Android Market might be smaller without such an Open Source standpoint, ... the iOS Market isn't exactly flooded with brilliance

I have gotten into many discussions about this at work, and people have an unbelievably confused understanding of the difference between Fanboy and Informed Consumer.

Personally, I hope that the next iPad is more like the upgrade from the 3G to the 3GS, in that the 1st Gen isn't left in the dust.

@MaWeiTao: Agreed, I really like the idea, and would purchase it if it were not something that clearly only belongs on Yachts owned by people who write blank checks to online sites and laugh as they swim in their imported milk bathes and ... i'm done griping. :(

@nos024: Except for the years after Cunningham where he played sub-par and his ego got ahold of him, so he lost the drive and determination that made him great.

I still wish there had been another season of Journeyman. There were a lot of questions that were going to be answered, and I think the show was really getting rolling. Would have been awesome to have at least one more season or a movie or something to wrap it up.

@otherbot: Hm. He does, but i'm not sure I want them to bastardize Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal with someone else. I get that he's an awesome bad guy, but I think they should focus on a villain that they didn't spend 7.5 seasons on.

I truly was surprised how much I enjoyed The Event. I am, however, concerned about their ability to keep it enjoyable. A great premise (though we don't actually know what it is yet), is conducive to good TV. But it will not guarantee it's ability to succeed in the long run.

I love seeing Michael Shanks in just about anything, so i'm excited to see him back as Hawkman. I was quite surprised how much I enjoyed the character portrayal, given how absurd the character could have looked.

Personally, i'd like to be able to add my own folders to that list on the right. I download a fair amount of things and stuff, and would like it if I had the option to remove 'Documents' which I don't use that much and put 'Downloads' there instead, or even a folder I created.

I want this. That's freakin' awesome.

That part of the house that hangs off into oblivion terrifies me. I could never walk into that part without being absurdly paranoid and expecting a swift exciting death.

"Hi, my name is iPad. Where's my freaking love!?"

@moonphrogg: Same, I kept clicking on links above and was disappointed ... this would make an awesome wallpaper!

@Ravennl: I'd promote this if I could.

Netflix is clearly a sub-system of SkyNet.

The biggest problem with any live action Pokemon movie has nothing to do with the Pokemon. If done realistically, they'll be terrifyingly awesome.

So ... the correct answer is: Deadpool.

I propose a correction to the poll, as this is how it should be:

I kinda wish I coulda answered 2 different options, because when at home, I prefer some tabs to be open in Chrome and some in Firefox. Usually I prefer Chrome for the ones i'll leave open the longest (a flash game or Netflix), and Firefox for quick browsing, etc. Firefox also has Tree-Tabs, which I find is the