
@kwahhn: I'd promote this if I could. Either way, here's your internets sir. You earned them.

Although I haven't yet tried it, I have to say, from the preview images and review alone, .. it may be the first IE i'll intentionally download in years. It doesn't look bad, and increased compatibility with Windows 7 is a big feature and interesting to say the least.

@planetarian: Awesome, thank you for the information! Mayhaps i'll give it a shot now ... :)

@planetarian: Do you think the community is receptive to new players? One of the perceptions i've had from other EVE players is that it's not the easiest community to get involved in / be a part of, for a new person.

I've been intrigued about this game, but everytime I get interested enough to want to try it, I feel like i'd never be able to catch up to where current players are, or compete / join in all their reindeer games.

Either the advertising division in Sony is frighteningly brilliant, or utterly terrifying.

@MargaretMoony: I'm still very unsure about the show. I kind of like it, but I feel like i'm not sure what sets it apart yet. It's sort of a X-Files in only one town .. but they haven't explicitly stated that there's something about the town that makes all those crazies or genetic mutants gather.

So, in regards to Aquaman, I thought that Smallville did something really awesome with him in at least one episode, that I hadn't thought about or seen before. In the Season Premiere(I think) of season 8 (first without Michael Rosenbaum-Lex Luthor) he came up through the ice when they were standing on a mountain or

@blueTitanium: I wish I could say I hadn't tried the pause/unpause method .. I didn't try locking/unlocking though.

@phatnacky: That tagline was exactly what my experience with that movie was.

#17 is like a movie putting you in a headlock and giving you a noogie(sp?) until you say 'Uncle' or 'I'll see it!'. I mean,.. 13 in 1!!! And Schwarzenegger! And Star Wars! What more does it need? (Lucas to let someone else handle the plot? /rimshot)

@blueTitanium: I think that since they're working on an actual app for the PS3, it's realistic to assume they're working on one for the iPad as well.

This game looks and sounds like a ton of fun! Is it only Multiplayer? I kind of hope there's a single player 'story' mode or whatever, but Online Multiplayer sounds like a blast too!

What the hell is BLURST processing?

@palaeoclimatemonkey: Viggo would be great for the role! I hadn't even thought of him honestly!

@Howard Blair: And here I thought it was just Bruce doing a mock of Burn Notice.

Whenever I read the 'Blaine the Mono' scenes in the Dark Tower books, I heard it in Alan Rickman's voice, but particularly, the voice he did for Martin in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie. (Highly underrated in my opinion.)

I saw it this weekend, and have to say I really really enjoyed it. If you went in expecting a spectacular story or a perfect game to movie port, then you clearly didn't see the first 3. If you didn't enjoy the first 3, i'm hard pressed to find out why you'd see the 4th, but as someone who had various qualms with the

Have to be honest, this intrigues me. Especially if it's going to be free or whatever. I'll check it out. :)

@Ghede: I can't imagine driving behind or in front of that vehicle ... geeze. And I thought blue headlights were irritating ... a full on tinfoil sun ray re-directing car would cause mayhem.