I did something similar to this in Middle School.
I did something similar to this in Middle School.
@Thrumm: To be honest, I really enjoy the animated features that are already out, and it wouldn't be awful to have it concluded in that way. They're quite well done, and the voice acting is just as good too.
@ukimalefu: Me too! I really enjoyed the first one; the premise and special effects were fantastic. Also, I found Rachel Bilson quite irresistably cute in the movie, and wouldn't mind more of that.
I just thought i'd point out, that of the 6 Saw movies, I honestly thought the 6th was the best, 1 being my 2nd favorite. I truly was skeptical, since 5 was honestly terrible,... but 6 really was fantastic.
I don't want to jynx it, but i'm paying for 12 MB/s Down (not sure what Up), and am getting on average, 30 MB/s Down, 6 Up. Fantastic.
Al Gore's "How we Blue ourselves" documentary incoming ...
Back in College I was amassing my collection of Star Trek DVDs, (legit, US Edition), via eBay. I would buy a season every month or so, for about $40.
Where's my quad-core dual booting phone with a connector cord so I can play Pokemon against my friend?
@Sora57: "She'll pretty much have to..."
@kozjegyzo: I agree with what you're saying, un-RARing them takes only a few seconds. Personally, I wish that any place that did it, would also upload a single link. This would be preferred to those who have Premium accounts or higher bandwith connections.
Here's the thing, I can understand not wanting to saturate the public with Reynolds in many roles, or anything, as well as not being realistic to shoot too many movies at a time ... but if they recast Deadpool, I think that'll be very disappointing.
The one simple question I have, is will it be able to play the PSP games, or will it only be software-OTA games, like the PSP Go?
@Cheese Addict: Yeah, but after doing a site like that for so many years, I spoze you're bound to run out of steam eventually. :) It'd be great to get a DVD with all of them on it ... wow, i'd totally buy that. (Then the discussion of Frash on my iPad is moot!)
@20tolife: Well, to directly comment on what you just asked, yeah, Steve has said numerous times that they have the best smartphone in the market. There is some assumption that must be made there, in that... saying their phone is the best smartphone is a clear indication that they feel it should own the phone…
@Shmooki: That was my first thought too! :O
Coming this Fall - Duke Nukem: No Seriously, It's Actually Going To Be Released This Time, We're Not Kidding, And It Won't Take 10 Years For Us To Cancel It.
@laylowmoe: Honestly, I think he was my second favorite captain, or a tie with Picard for my favorite. I really did enjoy Enterprise, and I think a fair part of it was due to his acting.
@zark169: My thoughts exactly. I was expecting a reveal about some guest star playing a Governor, but then realized they meant the watch. So ... did it become sentient? Is Linda Hamilton's arrival indicative of ... Skynet, Chuck-style?
Am I the only one who read the name of this post and thought "Kill Gambit in this X-Men Game with this one weird old trick... also belly fat."
I really really like how simple and clean this is. It would be very nice if it displayed this in the top bar, so I could have it open in a Tab, and it would show a countdown.