@BergenCountyJC turns 24 today but still too young to rent a car: To be fair, that also means Idiots think alike. (Process of elimination.)
@BergenCountyJC turns 24 today but still too young to rent a car: To be fair, that also means Idiots think alike. (Process of elimination.)
@hameed67: Yeah, that occurred to me while I was chatting with a coworker. But maybe it only affects the Next level of dreaming? Or it has a lesser effect? Like the music played in one layer is heard in a lesser extent in the next, lesser in the next ... so the tumble was seen as the avalanche? Hm. I definitely…
After having finally seen the movie, I am at a loss about how to explain why the infographic has Yusuf with a little 'Movie is Loading' symbol on his crotch.
@hameed67: Perhaps the effects of a Level only affect the Level directly below it? (Or above, I forget how it works). Or maybe the effects of the Real world only affect the 1st level?
Good God, that's the stuff that you'll see in twisted Pizza Roll and Beer mixed nightmares ...
Good God, that's the stuff that you'll see in twisted Pizza Roll and Beer mixed nightmares ...
Am I the only one who sees #1 and thinks of Gimli?
@GlassAgate: Also, Jesus will turn Water into Funk, according to Family Guy.
@Rob_Nomad: He's like a T-Rex. Until Science tells me that a T-Rex was really just a mishapen Tree that got into an argument with a rock.
@hewhoroams: I bet Bender could answer your questions, and would also insult you in the process. And it'd be fun on a bun.
@jamescobalt: Stop killing my childhood! :(
When I was in High School, and was studying for a test, etc,... I would be outside bouncing a basketball while studying. This kept the blood flowing while I was learning and caused me to remember more than I might have otherwise. (Note: That is said based on my test results before and after adding physical activity…
@Sinestro: I was thinking the same... they're both pretty attractive, how did they end up with him? Lots of cash? Hrm.
So, to be honest, i'm confused about the Side Tabs portion of the review. I'm assuming the 92 and 76px are related to the width of the Side Tab. If that's the case, then why is that even being taken into account?
@Reldaw: I thought the developer's said something about changing things up so that wouldn't happen as often? I agree, I turned off the Detective Mode often times just so I could look at everything ... and found it disappointing that it was (a lot of times) the only time I did see the textures and gorgeous level…
@oyanobaka: I think that was my biggest frustration too! It really had a lot of promise and possibilities, and truly was a unique and neat software ... but I couldn't think of a single thing I wanted to use it for. Which honestly is too bad. :(
@Luis: Looks to me like he's wearing a black undershirt ... or maybe that's just shadowed neck bacon.
@SLAYERHOLIC666: I was going to say the same thing! And tack on that I really wish they would port Diablo 2 to console, and the impending 3 as well! Point and click is fine, but D-Pad control makes that sooooooo much better!
Kayo, here's my question. Does it being excluded from that list mean it won't get it? I mean, call me a person who refuses to accept things or wahtever, but nowhere do I see anything that says the Storm 2 will NOT get it. I just see a list of what will get it.
Where is my iPad OS4?