
They are the police. Might have been able to put a homing device on Woodrugh’s phone. Would explain how they’ve been following him so closely the entire season. Still, that would be a little too convenient.

True Detective twists:

I can relate to this so well. I think this was very healthy for me heading into that next stage of life where nakedness just happens sometimes. I didn’t have a total meltdown when I saw a naked girl other than my mom for the first time, and I think that was good for me sexually. Or whatever.

Spider Bites

Mosquito Bites

“Ohhhhh, I could’ve sworn he said Jamarcus! I feel like such an idiot...”

Learned from the best

My crazy take:

Frank may or may not have intentionally given Velcoro the wrong guy’s info (i.e., the alleged rapist shown in the photo from ep. 1). Also, my theory is that Velcoro got information enough out of Rick Springfield to know that Frank is the only guy who has the inside position to retrieve the missing

Ol’ Rog’ is merely an elected representative pushed and pulled by a wealthy mob-like constituency. Tis better for Roger to be loved than feared because any show of force on his part is illusory and would surely end in his timely demise. As they say, the show must go on.

I personally say enough of the ball shaming. If a


Am I the only one who got the vibe that the creepy mexican lingerer from the club visit who showed up in the stunna’ shades and cowboy hat is the Birdman? He definitely had the vibes...

NFL Official (accompanied by cop): Sir, please accept our apology for this misunderstanding. After reviewing our initial reports we’ve discovered the typo that led to our mistaken decision to suspend you last September. You have been cleared of all wrongdoing, and we are now working with the authorities and YouTube to

The 5 Worst things about America - July 15, 2015:


Almost every Vince Vaughn gangster scene... don’t forget the pliers.

Well, you did buy a Pacman Jones jersey and continue to wear it throughout the years. Considering that the Pacman Jones year(s) were the beginning of the end for the Titans, I’d say therein lies your answer.

And those.

I would ride those coattails too.