where it’s often used as a polite way of saying that the disproportionate violence in black communities isn’t an outcome of America’s history of structural racism and its related ills, but of a unique black pathology.
where it’s often used as a polite way of saying that the disproportionate violence in black communities isn’t an outcome of America’s history of structural racism and its related ills, but of a unique black pathology.
Of course, the situation that happened in the Dallas-Fort Worth suburb of Irving — where 14-year old Ahmed Mohamed brought a home-made digital clock to school and was arrested on suspicion for making a bomb — has, sadly, many issues relating to Mohamed’s ethnicity and religion.
That’s why we have a criminal code and a vehicle code. Not a moral code.
If there were no bike riders breaking the law in the first place it is very likely the police would have nothing to chase.
It’s hilarious that you’re trying to provide some heroic narrative for these idiots who are illegally riding bikes throughout the city all while the evil policemen attempt to stop them.
Swinging a ulock at me would most certainly not end well for you.
The migrants fled Hungarian police today after being detained without explanation in a field for hours.
Step 1: Go to Teleflora
which is pulled quickly from Bing search (so you’ll need to have web search enabled and an internet connection).
Define assault weapon. Is it any weapon that frightens you through aesthetics alone? Or is it that you simply want to curtail the rights of others to prevent yourself from being offended.
You sound like an individual with whom rational, measured discourse would be impossible.
So many bad arguments here.
It’s sad given how much I adored this series, however, I have no interest in this game whatsoever.
Have you ever seen Mike Tomlin and Omar Epps in the same place at the same time?
You sound like a typical everyday liberal.
I assume you mean you want to talk about the 100 million gun owners who, like me, will never make the news?
You could sell them to me.
They rail against people who think that, quite frankly, everybody should have mattered a long time ago. And now they’ve taken to wearing I MATTER t-shirts. Quaint.