
So can I call Roush and say "I would like to order a 675HP stage 3 Mustang" could they say "ya, were good for that"?

..."The Phase 2 package gives buyers an Aluminator V-8 good for 625 horsepower, while the Phase 3 package boosts engine output to 675 horsepower. Both packages are available through the Roush Performance ..."

Sooooo, the The 2014 Roush stage 3 Mustang was good for 675 horsepower.

The 2014 Roush stage 3 Mustang was good for 673 horsepower. Soooooo the numbers will probably be close to that. FYI

I have to admit... that's tempting.

English, except at local towers where English and Local Language might me acceptable.

Air Force vet here, (no offense taken). Agree even in the Air Force this sort of rant is common.

What shadoooww?

No Joke, I did this in an airplane once. The plane suddenly lost a good %40ish power, not knowing what I did I declared emergency and high tailed it to the airport. Figured it out a minute later, but that didn't stop the full fire truck brigade from following me my parking spot and a swipe off my pride debit card.

Landing and taking off would be..... hard.

It wasn't till later in my life that I realized it had no front window. As a pilot this fact still haunts my dreams and makes my bunghole tighten.

Now playing

Tex Johnston's barrel rolling a Dash-80 (the Boeing 707 prototype) . Is the single most talked about stunt in aviation history. Barrel rolling a commercial jet liner in front of a huge crowd, let that sink in. When asked by Boeing what he thought he was doing he replied "I was selling airplanes".

Love these post in so many ways. For "car guys" the thought of taking a busted up jalopy with good guts, then fixn' it up, is what we dream of. That's why so many of the comments here say they would keep it. Us normal car guys are simply content to maybe do this once in our life, when the kids move out, and we take 3

I'm compelled to agree with Acid, counselor Co-he-sin... do you have a rebuttal?

No one said it was a CAS aircraft.

True, the E variant and on was specifically to develop the muli role capability. So I guess that part of the graphic is a letter off.

"The F16 can strafe just like the A10" Read some literature on the strafing ability of the F16, it's super risky. Plus there's the whole 20mm vs. 30mm thing.

I do, but you asked me to refute the 2 wrongs I stated so I did. No you want me to refute a 3rd? OK There is no CAS with the fuel range that can support hot zones as dynamically as a A-10. The Apache is close, but the A10 can be called in and fly 200knots faster, lay lead on target multiple times before the a long bow

1. The graphic used clearly points out how the term Multi role should apply to the A-10.

Wrong and wrong. The point flew right over your head. I thought the graphic was one of the better ones I've seen, it points out the use of the term "multi-role".