@m2m: Cuz he doesn't own a Ferarri. You know, that thing called money?
@m2m: Cuz he doesn't own a Ferarri. You know, that thing called money?
@rimplestultskin: Tru dat
@SkipErnst: But they would still win the lottery.....so in most people's minds (who aren't that smart if you haven't noticed) they would be winners even if they weren't winners :p
@MifuneT: Its not how much money they don't have, its who decides how to spend it.
He looks like a 12 year old boy with eyeliner.
@versii: lame I can't upload :(
I wanna put this in a lawnmower.
@twinrotormotor: But he is in Canada.
@nosuke: His car fucking rules!
@philaDLJ: picture is unrelated?
This is why I don't use ATMs. That, and I have no idea what my PIN is...
@YourSaltyPinkDeathNuts: I use it when photographing events. I have a wireless adapter for my cameras which are connected to a vigin mobile mifi, which upload medium jpegs of the images we take. Had some bad luck with bad cards before, plus its cool.
@Deekle: Took long enough! I've been needing some 4g speed network for a while, thought I think I might blow past those 5gb limits. Damn those limits!
I prefer the taillights like the ones in my 2001 a6. Look much cleaner IMO
@danio3834: When the mechanic destroys it then refuses to pay damages, not even bringing into effect the depreciation because of it, that is a different story.
@Alexander Ward: Thats what 'they' want you to think. In reality 'they' have already injected you with brain-controlling nanobots under the guise of a simple 'vaccine'. These nanobots control you and make you buy useless junk by making you think it's a "convenience item"
@Decad3nce: Never said she didn't have talent. Just said she didn't have very much.