@Apoc28: You can buy win7 as a download and copy the installer to a flash drive. I have 4 drives, 7 homeP x86, x64, Pro x64, Ult x64. They are so cheap and plentiful, and when you have to install 15 copies a day, it really comes in handy.
@Apoc28: You can buy win7 as a download and copy the installer to a flash drive. I have 4 drives, 7 homeP x86, x64, Pro x64, Ult x64. They are so cheap and plentiful, and when you have to install 15 copies a day, it really comes in handy.
@Apoc28: Same thing with Zunepass. They remove rights to songs and artists, and I feel that they are just losing my business, because I don't care that you made some agreement with some other party, I want to listen to the music I pay for, and I want to listen to it now. I don't mind paying, but I don't like paying…
@styfle: The choice between what is essentially non-functionality and poorly executed software.
@mentir: Did you just copypasta the comment about the 924? Stfu and stop being stupid.
@Celtic1888: Tru dat. I have Zunepass, and if a studio doesn't feel like giving me the rights to play a song, it's their loss. Torrent away.
@styfle: Thats not the point, fool.
The very reason I promptly got rid of my iPhone. That and the annoying message notification...
@MarcusMaximus: LIKE
What a wonderful article about copyright on the web, I'm going to reprint it in my blog!
@Aubron: This is exactly the same situation when cassettes were introduced, and the solution finally was to realize that some will steal, but most will pay if the price is right.
@chewy106: They are just afraid of the future, and not willing to 'devalue' their content. I have Zunepass, and I feel that if any artist or song isn't available, it is the companies loss and I may illegally procure it. I gave them a chance to take my money, they didn't want it, the way I see it. If you give people…
@Niteman cometh: OH NOES!
@tariqi: Price.
@blehbleh13: Apparently so, because he said it.
@cowboybebopfan: Thumbs up to you!
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: There are lots of netbooks one can play 720p videos on.
Wow. Talk about lack of attention and tunnel-vision!
Peruvian underwear is not comfortable. But, I wear it because nobody else does..... :D:D:D:D:D:D
@tyfunk02: MMMHMMM!
@CarsAreNotAppliances: Its all about 'skill'