
I converted to a standing desk about a year and a half ago and have not once considered ditching it. It cost me $40 (2 tv trays for my monitors, and an little dorm room entertainment stand for my mouse/keyboard). When I get tired of standing, I take 60 seconds to convert back to a sitting desk and sit for a couple of

Not compatible with Galaxy Nexus - LAME.

Real men don't wear belts.

Wow, nice Star Control reference...

This was the game that got me hooked on sci-fi forever.

Thank you, lifehacker - I got in!

New meme, anyone?

Gonna have a hard time with the Dark Brotherhood quests... just sayin'

How many people are carrying around their kindle while they shop?

Well, now they're saying it's because of security concerns - which is complete BS to cover up their monetary motives.

Sounds like we need a little FCC intervention here - is it legal to block such an app b/c it competes with their own?

I'd gladly buy a house if I knew where I could... I've looked all over Windhelm and have not found any vacant houses.

I'm running a Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 3.25ghz, 8gb ddr2 1066 ram, and a GTX 560 - I can run on Ultra 1080p with very seldom a lag.

As with Oblivion - I will try and complete most of the side quests before "beating" the game. I kinda agree - it makes things seem less important if you beat the main quest, then continue.

There can never be enough Skyrim posts. I have to pass time while at work before going home and playing more Skyrim....

I think this is legit - when you consider that google's nexus challenge ends on the 21st - it just seems like they would have it coincide with the US launch date.

I agree with you - Witcher 2 is superior in its polish and mechanics, but Skyrim in undeniably vast and epic.

That is epic!

I honestly don't know as I have not started a second character. I know that with most bioware games for instance, you select which character you want to load, then it displays only the save games that correspond to that character. Hopefully Bethesda did something similar.