
Just pre-ordered. I was going to hold off a bit because it comes out the same day as LA Noire, but amazon is including a $10 credit with a pre-order.

You're not John Hodgman, you are not allowed to say "You're welcome."

Probably one smarter than someone who says there instead of their. Oh wait... that's excusable because you clearly have no idea how to use the English language given that you also say r and 4. This is a website, not a text message.

Fast forward to the end for the meltdown!

Dude - that's not cool at all... I've played it, but perhaps you should add a courtesy SPOILER AHEAD before saying shit like that...

1 year - Kotor 3

I really don't understand when people complain about posts like this - how is it okay for work for you to browse kotaku at all?

Thank god - I had to quit playing at the start of act III because my character was moving in slow motion during fights.

Plus - when you get serious about table tennis, you realize that $130 is really not that much for a racket.

It's as though PC gamers are not satisfied unless their PC cannot run the game. Then it's an excuse for upgrades. Believe me - I know... I feel the urge from time to time. I built my system so that it could run Crysis 1 on max - now I'm looking for the next game that will force me to upgrade to some ivybridge

I don't think you're the target market.

Road Rash for 3DO - lots of early 90's rock including Soundgarden.

I guess you just need a better keyboard.

Actually, you're wrong - the supreme court ruled that it's perfectly legal to jailbreak an idevice.

Hey now - no reason to bash American comedy just because of Letterman. He stopped being funny decades ago.

I do feel that the "dungeons" are way over used. Every house or cave or hideout pretty much look the same.

I feel like this is the same argument as "If I buy an iPhone can I jailbreak it" or "If I buy a ps3 can I mod it".

So you felt that ME2 was too short and over simplified? That's ridiculous. Perhaps instead of slamming a company with some bogus generalization, you should provide a little more detail to your inane comments.

Definitely NOT Rift!

I don't get it - if EA sees so many passionate fans exclaiming that they would love a new Road Rash - why wouldn't they make it? They've got money...