
@DOOMzilla: Well - you, sir most definitely deserve a Star.

Where can I purchase?

@natanku: Yeah - I just spent a moment trying to find it, but I don't remember which article is was for...

This is the least funny McSweeney article I've read.

I saw the creator of this poster posted this in the comments of a recent RDR article... so technically it should read "As seen in Kotaku comments"

god I hope that's not in order of greatest chance.

@Samurai I-am-awry: Moon was excellent - I saw in at a sold out theater - it was playing for one day only at Notre Dame University where I used to live. Sam Rockwell is great.

RE: screenshot - who keeps 50 unread emails in their inbox?

@njdevil: They're never releasing HL3 or episode 3 for that matter.

@nczuma: I love how they had achievements for throwing it away or throwing it at the guard... Valve rocks.

I felt the same animosity towards the combine in HL2.

Looks very Bioshock Infinite - with the plasticy faces and all...

@lilmp89: kudos to your quick and subtle mastery.

@y2julio: perhaps they just called in sick.

@y2julio: unless they're on salary

It's true! I own a Nikon D700 but just bought a Canon s95 - it's like he's clairvoyant...

Ditto all of the above.

You know you can change it to the QWERTY layout in the System settings, right?

@xaronax: transparent aluminum?

Look mom - it's broken glass on the pumpkin! Can we eat the pumpkin?!?