
I drink coffee on Friday - Sunday... Tea on the weekdays.

@Sublethalend: I was being somewhat facetious... but I actually did call my wife to have her read me my numbers...

sweet - instant acceptance!

@Kovitlac: I did it at the beginning of the last level - sprint off the cliff and land on the elite. Crazy thing was - no one saw me and I ended up assassinating that whole group.

@Sunsparc: that movie has zero facts.

I really wish you guys would separate the apps into games and other... maybe you don't because the "other" category would be empty all the time?

@A-Electro676: You forgot to add the superlative "whiny Brat Pitt voice"

Marissa Mayer is so cute...

damnnnn #32...

@FutbolGenius: ha... It was the opposite for us - we were engaged for nearly 5 years. I proposed our last year of college and we started planning, but then moving and jobs took over. So we finally decided to do it this year and planned everything and did everything ourselves in less than 3 months.

@FutbolGenius: I just got married 2 weeks ago... I know the stress... but that moment on your wedding day when you finally get to truly enjoy what's happening is the best experience ever. And when it's over, it's like a very heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Honeymoon! 3 Nights on South Padre Island.

@OfficerJesus: wow - the irony of your statement is overwhelming

so... my one question... will it allow you to join ad-hoc networks - if I can use my phone as a tether, then there's no need for this thing to be a 3G device.

Maybe they should quit re-releasing the same 80's IP's every six months with a "hip new spin" on it... when was the last time an original IP came out? They're resting on the laurels of mario, zelda, final fantasy, etc. instead of innovating and creating new characters.

this game looks so awful it might be great

@capnrob: good call... works brilliantly now...

doesn't work worth a damn on my 3Gs... reminds me of trying to run Crysis with my GeForce 6600.

You should never stretch cold muscles. I stretch after my runs.