Deadline reports that Aaron McGruder
Deadline reports that Aaron McGruder
You can go buy pants with your size on it and be reasonably assured of a fit. I can’t just go buy hair produce willy-nilly without having any indication with how it will look on curls like mine because product doesn’t just work the same for all sorts of curls. Loose curls and tight curls respond very differently to…
She ain’t lost, she’s getting fucking paid to be an obnoxious POC GOP Media rep. I’m betting a 5-10 million annual stipend from the Koch/Fox war chest.
Stacey Dash should know that life is unfair. Instead of becoming a notable, respectable actress, she became a Fox News contributer who most likely doesn’t make as much money as their male contributers OR their white female contributers (because we know when it comes to the wage gap, white women on average make more…
My heart wants to believe that there was just a glimmer of “what the fuck, what did you just say” in the guys face once those words left her mouth.
This is a thing I can do?! Because I’ve twice had cab drivers yell at me and threaten to stop the car because I was kissing another woman. You’d think with all my student debt, I’d learn to capitalize on my litigious opportunities.
Two caged birds singing through gritted teeth.
I'm really glad I like my parents.
Whitney's brother introduced her to drugs and has said so in an interview with Sister 2 Sister magazine. So let's just all take that in before folks come in here with the "Bobby made her do it," part 2 narrative.
THIS. There was a cooking show (I think Hell's Kitchen?) with an episode featuring Paula Deen. Shit came out between it being filmed an airing, and the producers did everything they could to edit her out. They barely mentioned her name, didn't name the charity she was fundraising for (maybe at their request) and…
Here's my question - why did nobody go back and edit this after the fact? They could have simply altered it to appear that Pullam was fired for leading the losing team - which happens a lot. Why leave this in now that its clear that Pullam might have had VERY good reasons for not calling Cosby?
Maybe I'm nuts, but I see that Chastian comment as a criticism of lazy casting and by no means throwing shade at Streep.
13 year old me got a deep pleasure out of hate-watching it. It was on ABCFamily 3p-4p and I got out of school at 3:30. I would literally rush home so I could catch the last twenty minutes of the episode and just sit there reflecting on everything I haaaaaated about the show. Obviously I was a totally normal and super…
This tweet.
I disagree. By delaying it gives them time to whitewash his record and destroy any evidence of a racist outlook which could be used in a trial It also gives the PD time to prepare thier bullshit defense case.
I am so, so, so angry so I'm going to apologize in advance for the tone of this post:
I appreciate that they're trying to make amends and all, but I hope that things aren't just going to be swept under the rug.
I'm happy that the mood was better yesterday, but there is no way that it makes up for what happened over the previous days. I feel like people are going, "now it's over, everything is fine." But it's NOT FINE. There are a lot more names that need to be released, including the police officers that unlawfully…
It must be terrible for black parents to have to tell their children "Even if you're unarmed, even if you're well-behaved, even if you do everything right, there is still a chance that a white police officer will murder you in the street with your hands up."