Veronica Jay


I’m sorry you’ve never experienced pleasure strong enough that you can’t control the volume of your sex moans.

I’m okay with it not happening if it is being put on by people who believe they need to educate people about the law because you might brush against someone’s shoulder and call it sexual assault.

I believe Will Arnett to be talented at comedic acting and not very talented at picking roles. He shines brightest in quirky, off beat comedies but sometimes he picks stuff that’s just a little too off base.

I will never understand why someone would want to subject themselves to the judgment everyone is making about their choice of inspirational quote.

It still astounds me they got Ani DiFranco for that song

My hope is that they are saying that as some sort of diversionary tactic-if the second suspect thinks they aren’t looking for them, perhaps they are more likely to think they are in the clear and make themselves less inconspicuous?

Yet detectives state that they have “not gotten any indication that this was motivated by hate or bias.”

Wait, how does smoking weed have anything to do without being racist?

i don’t know anything about children but what I do know about is tripping and I know enough to know this is not a black and white issue. If you’re a responsible tripper, you know what you need in order to have a good trip. If you can arrange that situation for yourself while in the house with your kid, go for it. It’s

Omg I’m so glad someone else feels my pain. People have said to me that “oh the razors are the same it’s just the pink packaging” but they are no where to be found when I borrow my boyfriend’s razor and I need help mopping up the blood gushing out of my ankle on the bathroom floor.

I feel uniquely slighted that all of these dollar shave clubs are marketed so heavily towards men, especially when it is perfectly acceptable, nay, even preferred among some men, for them to stop shaving, but women are expected to be hairless as the day we were born from the neck down.. And the half-assed “oh yeah

She’s popular for the same reason Jerry Springer ever was (is?) a thing

An in-depth look at how rich white men fuck everyone around them over is not a story I need reminding of in 2017.

It also never even happened.

I get the political part-it’s using the term lesbian in that context that pisses me off. Being a lesbian isn’t defined by the absence of sexual relationships with men (for whatever reason). It’s defined by female attraction. I know I’m getting stuck on semantics I just have been super wound up lately about how female

No, you don’t need to wear a bra. No, burning a bra in solidarity is not good enough for anyone to call themselves a feminist.


As a bi chick there’s nothing worse than fucking a woman who doesn’t *really* want to fuck women, especially when the only time you want to fuck me is on your boyfriend’s motherfucking birthday but then *I* am the weird one if I want to invite you over to drink some wine and watch some broad city and explore

Don’t hate the playa, hate the patriarchy.