Veronica Jay

I wasn’t even close to suggesting women are wearing them ironically.

Jezebel may not be the place to argue that women aren’t making a choice for themselves, just saying.

Except for when burqas are worn by women to reclaim them in order to express both pride in being a feminist AND a Muslim.

I’m not arguing any of those things, which is why I said it doesn’t inform my entire experience as a woman. I don’t think any single experience can, which is what I think you’re getting at with your post. Treating any perspective as THE thing that defines what it means to be a member of such a large and wide-ranging

Yeah, everything about this makes me feel icky. Like, I don’t want this to be a moment in history where we look back and are like THIS WAS OUR MOMENT TO STOP THR SECOND COMING OF HITLER but on the other hand if things had gone another way we would all be losing our minds of the electors were protest voting against

Following your lead of comments to get flames, I think Tom does have a little bit of a point. Getting stuff put inside me certainly doesn’t inform my entire experience as a woman, but I do get overwhelmed sometimes by sex with dudes because it’s like yeah, something is going inside my body at a point that I can’t even

I spent way too much time ‘bating to Leo in R + J in my formative years that I have a hard time hating him now.

I’m new to jezzie and I naively got into it with them one day. Never again

Say what you will about the Kardashians, but for better or worse those women are ride or die for their men.

It says he’s still at the UCLA medical center, so maybe he is still in the regular hospital and not in a program yet? It wouldn’t surprise me if he has to get stable with meds before he enters an intensive program

You’d think we would’ve learned not to idolize ANYONE by now.

Unpopular take: Good for her for not doing something she doesn’t want to do. I’ve always felt the emphasis on having a traditional nuclear family in politics was strange and outdated. Maybe this is a small step away from the unrealistic expectations for women to always stand by their man in politics? Maybe kinda

Starbucks are usually set up that it’s hard to spit in anything because everyone can see you and honestly I wouldn’t really want to fuck up their drink because then it’s longer that I’d have to deal with them coming back to yell about it

A good way to knock a gluten-free person who doesn’t need to be is to remind them how much more processing needs to be done to their food to get the gluten out. Pass the whole wheat please!

Did she then suggest you try exercising?

I always take charity giving from massively rich folks with a grain of salt. It generally has more to do with tax deductions than altruism, and especially in this case I believe Oprah actually runs a lot of these charities and that makes always makes me question what’s going on there. And like, I dunno, I’m not sure

I had only heard brief mention of it too and I thought she was just on the whole “give him a chance train” but apparently she tweeted a pic of the Obama/Trump meeting saying “everybody take a deep breath! #hopelives” and then this was her follow up quote and I never normally would’ve wasted your time with any of this


Does this dude even HAVE any money? I hate watched those Dr. Phil interviews and even tough Dr. Phil is a garbage fire he did seem really unhinged. I can’t even imagine how he’s going to handle this

YES YES THIS. Did you listen to the This American Life podcast episode about this? I mentioned in another comment I worked for a fed contractor and totally understood the struggle. We cannot expect our legislators and federal employees to be able to keep up with how rapidly technology works now while working with such