Veronica Jay

What if we all just like, completely stopped talking about Trump? He clearly is of the “all news is good news” school of thought, and if we just cut him off cold turkey, if just no one cared, maybe he’s just go away? Maybe?

Living, breathing, and dying for that dress in the first pic

When Trump supporters were trying to say that he would be a good president because he would surround himself with all the “right” people, I would wonder aloud how we could trust the judgment of someone whose style has been the butt of jokes for DECADES and still hasn’t hired a good stylist.

But it’s a hot drink. Well, you can get it iced, but then the terrorists have won.

FALSE! A well-made peppermint mocha tastes like an Andes mint and will warm your old haggard soul

While I respect your clearly well-developed palate, if pumpkin pizza becomes a thing, I’m getting my passport and ditching America. Some things must remain sacred.

I don’t know about you, but I’m always on the lookout for someone who “loves to laugh.”

I think Kylie is the true winner today

Am I the only one wondering who @AndieMacDowell1 and @AndieMacDowell2 could possibly be?

A simple google search reveals that Huffpo cited a satirical tabloid site for that article and have since retracted the article.