
"make me a sandwitch and bring beer too"

good argument. but I don't think people know what equals mean at all

"It's closer than WW/Batman, though."

equals is only about power to you?
because lois and clark is about equals, steve/diana is about equals.
sometimes fanboys have some twisted approach to power and it shows on comics in the form of sexism

clark was only the mask and he attitude towards her was dumb. So yeah she had reason to not like the guy

Smallville green arrow costume was the inspiration for the new 52

DC is different from Marvel. Also marvel had Ultimate and 616 side by side.
DC movies and tv shows took much more inspiration from pre new 52.
another case of DC copying Marvel without understand why it worked for the rival

I think you are reaching.

better not commit to reboots. story proof it, marvel is damn right

flashback month was like the villains month of 90s?

that was a joke, not meant to be serious because it is comics.

they want Clark to be dark and gritty… really looks like he doesn't shower for weeks

good question…

This looks so good, Doc shaner is one of my favorite artists, gerry dugan is a good writer. Hard not check this