verna harrison

How about demanding that education funding have a mandatory funding amount/floor, or that funding not be touched. I know that Ca. is altering the education budget to relieve the state’s recession. If getting kids back in school is so vital, how about designating educators as essential workers and providing PPEs? How

Selfish disregard of social distancing and appropriating part of an international fight for freedom.  Shameful!!!

I read this last night and was shocked.  I think he’s dangerous for Black people.

She’s dangerous! The white woman card. The cop card. These people are just looking for a reason to go after Black folks, or scream “I feared for my life.” They’ll grab on to this like shit on a shoe. It adds a distraction (which they want) like the nypd union bosses are trying to do. Wasn’t it a month or so ago that a

he says he’s thinking about it.  NOT that he is or will. 

don’t forget the white guy in boston who killed his wife years ago and blamed “a black man.”  this is just the latest of many.

He’s getting credit for what the Hornets staff has done, community wise, which are write offs and good will); ticket sales, and all team sales and team improvements may be consistent or in line with other NBA organizations (maybe pro sports, in general).  I’m more interested in whether he still makes money from the

If I remember the court proceedings, his attorney mentioned the accuser’s name at least twice.  His attorney, a female was an attack dog.

Learning while Black.

What are those Oreo looking things, if you don’t mind me asking?

I’m inclined to believe twitter.  That they released their statement to get ahead of William’s leak to the press. (That there were already discussions going on.)  I have so little faith in that family.

Whew! They laid it out on their website!! ( If this really comes to fruition for them (I hope it does.), the UK media shot themselves in the foot. No more pre/exclusive access for the 7+/- outlets.  It seems like they still get security.  Good!

I don’t look for 21 rappers to know the “appropriate” way to do something. I was in that area about a month ago and was stunned at what I saw. There’s so many homeless people, out there for so many reasons. I defer to Haddish. She’s experienced it, and can speak to whether this was out of bounds, which she seems to, wh

No disrespect, but yuck!!! I’m thinking pancakes and sausage, maybe French toast, instead.

Stehpen A., Shannon Sharpe and a host of black sports personalities seemed to be using the same phrase “he wants to be a Martyr”. Hmmmm, I wonder who fed them that line.

Where did you say you live?

I replied to this above. I think he found out he was wrong but still used his badge to “teach her”. I was wondering why he still needed to search her stuff for her identification, after the other cops had her in the car. Also, it looked like he tried to “care” about her (or try and label her like a protestor) after he

I was thinking he actually saw that part. But still wanted to be super cop. He was looking through, and looking through, and went with his “out” card.

Either I need new glasses, or there are no tears.  Just “ugly face”.  Lock her up!!!!!

What did the other side do?  She was the punching bag.