Vern Sheldon

Agreed. Maybe Baylor needs to go the way of Rice and SMU and stop trying to play big-time NCAA Sports.

Get off that religious Soapbox, please. It has nothing to do with the events we are discussing. as for me, When the Conference was formed 23 years ago, I somehow knew Baylor’s inclusion would come back to bite ALL 9 other Schools.

Not enough.

But the Big 12 CAN do something. They can evict them.

That can be blamed on the Culture of Football in Texas.

Or Jews, African Americans, LGBT Folk, Hispanics, other Baptists, Asians, Indigenous Americans. Just White Southern Baptists thank you.

Or Catholics, Or LGBT People, or anyone who is not in their Religious Groove. Put them and BYU together.

Baylor has had a long time to investigate themselves while the rest of Us did our athletics without rape and sexual assault and kept dragging in cash. No more Parochial Universities in the Big 12. While we are at it let’s just get rid of the Baylor/TCU axis and go back to ONLY admitting Public State Universities. They

Baylor, like other Parochial Universities, will not put appropriate punishment on their own team, hell they have a new Stadium to pay for. Baylor will only face punishment put on them by the NCAA and Big 12. They are too self-righteous to admit them for real. The first thing the Big 12 can do is get rid of them as

Amen to that. 

They have no intention within the current atmosphere of the Country will do no good. Both the NCAA and the Big 12 need to enforce their own rules and appoint an OUTSIDE investigation of these allegations and administer punishment where applicable, REAL punishment, not a wink and a smile. EVICT BAYLOR.

Keeping Ken Starr is one of the most egregious of the Baylor Investigation. Most of Us are not in Texas and do not understand how a “Christian” “Southern Baptist” whatever- can investigate in truth and not see it. I would be quite satisfied if the Conference got rid of both Baylor and TCU.

Baylor needs outside Investigation or the truth will never get completely solved. Baylor is the worst example of very wealthy alumnus giving tons of money for the Athletic Department can build new Stadiums, recruiting, etc. Outside investigation and probation time- SERIOUS probation needs to be given to the Baylor

They have the same standards in Athletics-just, not for Sexual Assault.

Baylor is no more a Christian University as A&M or U.T. when it comes to necessary changes made. Baylor needs to be penalized like Miami of Florida was only longer. It makes all the rest of us look bad.

Being a Texan does not always make you more competent to investigate and answer questions of sexual abuse-the Big 12 and NCAA should be investigating this.

There is NO DEFENSE against sexual assault. Did you think there is an answer to give these women. Put them on 10 years probation like Miami was on and maybe they will learn their lesson. Also, the Big 12 needs to get rid of Parochial Universities. The Big 8 had a rule-No Religious Institutions, and it served Us well.

Aanyone who makes light of sexual assault need to be abused.

You are right. The pandemic of Sexual Abuse are swept under the rug. 

Jerry Fallwell would be so proud of the SBC after letting this happen at their flagship University.