Oh man. I'm just adding to a chorus I know, but I really, really hope things turn out OK for you/your loved ones.
Oh man. I'm just adding to a chorus I know, but I really, really hope things turn out OK for you/your loved ones.
Famous last words!
… misogyny prism?
In summary… this season hurt.
Yes! Princess Carolyn!!
That moment had me grinning from ear to ear.
Oh man, I hadn't thought of it that way. Now the episode feels even bleaker! Thanks a lot Scrawler!
That line felt like a slap to the face.
Horseman's Chance At Doe-Over Ruined by Foal-ish Decisions
Tudyks are always better than none…
And also the basis for The Secret?
What have I done to my future Amazon recommendations?!
Tell Mr. NOUN I said…. hello.
That's one thing I appreciate about grandma, she's not big on hinting:
"I'd like you to have a baby in the next year, cause I'll probably be dead soon."
Same, and same.
I was convinced that after Bojack said he had a solution via Drew Barrymore, there would be a cutaway of something awful happening to Becca (either at Drew Barrymore's hands or not). But it never came. So that was kind of a relief?
This episode was pretty dark.
For some reason, Bojack being the only character that pointed this out reminded me of Ben Wyatt being the only character in Parks and Rec who didn't "get" Lil' Sebastian.
That doctor sounds like a real piece of work.
That's depressing.
Yeah, that is super disappointing :(