Is it just me or are folks on kinja having an especially difficult time with reading comprehension today?
Is it just me or are folks on kinja having an especially difficult time with reading comprehension today?
From the article:
She means the cops.
Cue the Beyonce bashing and accusations of being “fake” and jumping on the bandwagon in 3...2...1...
Eat, Prey, Kill
I have no problem with people—white or otherwise—doing work like this. What I do hate (and something I saw a lot when I lived in Cape Town for 5 months) is when people take pictures with children and then post them on the internet. I only shared images of kids whose names I knew and who I actually developed…
Can you explain why you’re characterizing the coverage as “casual,” because I didn’t see the report Victor ultimately filed. Do the press ever respect black families when their children are killed by the police?
Plus it’s possible that we could just nip this whole situation in the bud with “don’t do meth.”
Why isn’t “don’t murder people” not your “something else to be learned here?”
I think it’s sad that adolescent girls find hair unnatural and are shamed for it. I am PRO everyone caring for their hair as they see fit, without shame.
Don’t mind that actually. Black female athletes in artistry sports (gymnastics, ice skating, and to some degree, ballet) are often pigeonholed as “strong” and “powerful”, and are criticized for a perceived lack of grace, lightness, beauty, and artistry. It’s actually a big issue, because in those sports while you need…
Meh. It’s a bad (as in, unfunny) joke, but I’m not entirely sure the outrage is justified.
It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away, but that’s exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns.
Hahahahahaha good.
You should meet my wife.
It was, meh. I liked the story/movie, even if the way Iron recruited him was contrived and stupid. But him, just meh. You know why? Because it’s been done over and over and over. Just get a POC for the role and be different. After Holland is used up, there will be a reboot and another new white kid who will bring a…
god yeah i fuckin hate how people “get” to literally live how they want jesus
Agree, maybe Rachet Becky? They seem more like Chrystals or Ambers, or Brandis (obv spelled with an i).
Of all the things to be gleeful about, assaulting a minimum wage worker (I presume) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all week.
So, room on the door or nah?