
"Wow - Lily Allen is a horrendous gender traitor and terrible person and should be killed immediately. " Jesus fuck, are you for real with this shit? My bros may not understand the finer details of being a lady, but they sure a shit wouldn't wish DEATH upon someone for not being in ideological lock step with them.

No, but I also don't go around complaining about how women who aren't down with the sisterhood are gossipy, mean, bitchy "gender traitors", nor do I consider myself a special snowflake worthy of feminist brownie points for cattily calling out these "gender traitors". I simply don't give a fuck. However I recognize the

"All of the women that say that are without question the meanest, bitchiest, cattiest and shittiest of all. They are the backstabbers, the gossips, the ones that sleep with your boyfriend behind your back and the ones that generally give women a bad name."

Roman Reigns, all that hair, mmmmyup. ;)

NOOOOO!!! I love Archie Comics, and I've been reading them since I was like..7. However, I CANNOT ABIDE by Lena Dunham, just, ew. ugh, shes gonna get navel-gazing hipster stank all over my beloved, blandy-bland Archie :(

but...but..THE HAIRLINE?!?!?! ok, so, my husband (31) has been rocking long luscious auburn locks for quite a while now. Unfortunately the older he gets, the more his hairline creeps back (specifically around the temples/crown area). Naturally he's very sensitive and paranoid about going bald. So how does 40-something

Jared Leto is in his 40s, how does he have the hair line of a 20 y.o.? My husband has long brown hair like Mr. Leto, but at 31 y.o. he doesn't exactly have the same hair line as he did 11 years ago. I'm highly inclined to believe that Mr. Leto has employed some sort of voodoo magic. =/

but these aren't even clever!!! dag yo, if you're gonna troll, at least put some effort into it.


a half assed attempt was made...for what?!?!

..wait? what did I try? your pithy .gifs aren't really helping you here...

So, the fake cancer, the questionable twins that may or may not be alive (or hers), the fake suicide of a fake person, the twice mistaken date of the 'incident', the catfishing....

well, there's 1 fedora in the .gif you posted...soo...yay, you're non sequitur comment is vindicated?


step 1: develop a weed habit

...guurrrl, are you me? for realz though, I end up 'liking' all your comments, and my husband is an artist as well as a "bad" boy.

...wat. What is with some jez commenters assuming that a dissenting opinion is from a dudebro MRA douchecanoe? jeez almighty, if I had a nickle for every time someone on Jezebel assumed I was a dude cause I didn't agree with them....I might be able to afford a Wet n' Wild lipstick?

Ahh yes, the dissent that Ms. Bobble Pahl raised, which has 23 "recommendations" as opposed to LaComtesse's retort (which I agree with) that has 123 "recommendations".

Oh please I'm not the one being obtuse here. Its overwhelmingly evident that shes using the common form of second person to relate a first person experience. If you don't know how to parse that manner of communication... I dunno what to tell you. I'm sorry you flunked out of English class?

WHERE? where did she say "...and all rape victims around the world should reject the victim title and join me in correctly calling themselves survivors instead".