

wait, I like Ryan Higa....oh shit am I creeper?!?!? I had no idea he had such a rabid tween fanbase, I just thought he was a funny, affable dude who made amusing videos.

An astute observation, and one that I agree with; unfortunately it will be snidely mock, poorly understood, and not at all engaged. Lololol jezebel, AMIRITE!?!?!??

/humblebrag on

hey now, whats wrong with cat tattoos? *looks down defensively at her Batman the animated series Isis the Cat tattoo*

Omg! My MIL pulled this over the summer when husband and I helped her renovate her house, lol.

Lol its like a pearl clutching competition descended upon this article; relax ladies, I'm afraid one of you will pass out from all this breathless condemnation.


ha! same thing here!


Holy crap same thing here!! My mom is black (think, mahogany complexion), and when I was born I a pale Chinese baby for lack of a better descriptor. Apparently when the nurse brought me to my mom's bed, the nurse thought there was a mistake and tried to take me back to the nursery. Oh hell yeah my

Heh, on the other end of this; I'm biracial (white/black), and when I was a nanny to a blonde haired blue eyed 7 year old boy, I had a handful of people assume I was his mother. WHAT.THE.FUCK. not only were our complexions COMPLETELY different (he was white with rosy cheeks, I'm cafe au lait with yellow undertones),

BOOM. *micdrop*

"Just because you don't think it's problematic doesn't mean it's not."

ahhhhhh ok, dots connected, that makes (shitty, racist) sense.

"... given how many people use old anti-Semitic dog whistles to attack Adam Levine's appearance."

I have a distinct memory of crying bitter, bitter tears because I thought I lost the Polly that went along with the purple star clam shell, and her side kick friends (a brunette and a black girl!) couldn't POSSIBLY move into Polly's purple star. Thankfully I found Polly a few months later; she had fallen behind my

JESUS CHRIST, THIS. all it. On point, +11 billion internet points for you.

ugh, what is this? hack writer tryout week on Jezebel? First we had the black "author" conflating east LA gang culture with all Latinos, and now we have this fool calling Polly Pocket 'Polly Prostitute', and lazily waving away the accusations of slut shaming because...WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?!?

But, why do they have to go out and party, and why do they have to slut it up? I feel like 23-25 is a perfectly acceptable age to make big decisions regarding your adult life. Some women just aren't interested in sleeping around and partying away their 20's, some women have plans (i.e. early motherhood) that negate