
Is it wrong that I would laugh my butt off if she got ass cancer?

I did a ‘Game of Thrones’ walking tour in Dubrovnik and the guide said the double cried. Must have been an awful experience.

I quit wearing jeans years ago. Too uncomfortable. Now I just wear tights. Sure Joan would approve.

But she’s like a hundred and Charles dislikes him so... patience.

I totally think they believe getting a divorce is worse than raping kids.

Naw, they Fergie would be dead.

What the fuck does positive mean? He has to mean ‘active’ or something, right? 

It’s all fucking shades of beige.

Who is Brenda?

You’re doing a great thing.

I’m so sorry you had to go through that.

This was so interesting. I read her book and she seemed so clueless about why her family stopped speaking to her. Like it was an over the top reaction to one minor infraction, and as someone with personal experience, that’s not how it is.

She always does.

Exactly. Don’t see how this would prevent Kim getting hers.

If people have good teachers to begin with they don’t end up becoming criminals.

Is she still active on social media?

Always thought Bundy was boring. There are plenty of better serial killers, like Robert Hanson och Karla Homolka.

Only reason Watergate was revealed was the boss of that newspaper had just killed himself and it was his widows first day on the job (her first day in any job in her life I think) and she was naive. I would guess very, very often.

Maybe he thought he was telling the actual truth. I could see him believing it was the womens fault.

What in the everloving fuck is this?