
I think someone tried to kill him before he talks. 

All of those mentioned should be held accountable. I’ll be livid if they brush it under the carpet.

Doesn’t it point  to a lack of empaty, though? That’s what I think of when I think of anti social personality types.

Could also be Bruce Willis. He has a terrible reputation and she stared against him before SATC.

She looked like her father and people were vicious about her not being actress-pretty.

Now playing

Anyone else remember her MTV House of Style segment from the nineties? I still love it.

Let’s hear it for that awesome mother who said hell no when he came calling. 

I wore a red polka dot dress today and I looked damn godd, if I dare say so myself.

Maybe she didn’t want to budge to blackmail? 

She’s just the type not to. Don’t think the inlaws are though.

That sounds good. What podcast was it?

I remember hearing stories about private planes and children being transported to small islands years ago. Wonder if it all was true.

They are heating up the bath water. This was always going to get thrown away, but bringing it up in the first place makes people less sensitive.

I listened to Stern too, and I couldn’t even hate her. Came across as totally likeable.

This language seems awfully unprofessional, doesn’t it? Like it was written by a teenager.

Worried about the boy is good. About Boy George.

I grew up in a bad home, and that video gave me major flashbacks. That’s an abuser who’s about to blow.

Haha, that’s funny. I remember the sex scenes as being honest to God arousing as opposed to inadvertently comical, but then I haven’t read them since I was a pre-teen.

I love her, but I cannot for the life of me find an audio book anywhere. She sold 10 gazillion copies not that long ago. How can she not be on Audible?!

I love her too and wish she had more online presence. I cant even find her on Audible.