What about when she burnt down the Dothrakis?
What about when she burnt down the Dothrakis?
I’m pretty sure the estrangement has been over for about 10 years.
Yup. When you sweep something under the carpet you don’t have to deal with any blame or scandal.
If that concept had worked Trump would never have been elected in the first place. No one would claim he has electability.
I remember when she had really pretty hair?
I agree with you. I sure cried the first time I had my heart broken. They’ve been in love for years, it’s not just a quick shag.
Tormund only felt pain for like 5 seconds before going of with someone else.
He isn’t a good man, though. And Brienne knew that from the start.
Yeah, and expecting people to feel sorry for her after what she said about MJ’s victims... Glass houses.
Yeah, as long as all these other barbaric laws are in place I’m not happy.
That’s sad. I have idolized him my whole life. Breaks my fucking heart having him turn into a fucking Trump supporter.
I what world is he living in? The public already has plenty negative sentiment.
I posted this upthread too, but can someone explain to me how William and Rose have been having and affair for a couple of months when she has a 3 month old baby? Is it common to start affairs when heavily pregnant?
So Rose has a 3 month old baby and has been having an affair with Prince William for a couple of months? Can someone explain to me how that works? Am I close minded for thinking it’s unexpected to start an affair when you’re preggers?
Never heard of it! Sounds great, I’ll check it out.
Thanks! Sounds great.
Hey, guess what, I’m going back to pirate sites so enjoy my money while it lasts.
Which one?