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Overwatch’s beloved particle cannon-wielding tank, Zarya, will have a new canon soon: Heroes of the Storm. Blizzard revealed at Gamescom today that Zarya will be a playable HotS hero in the new Machines of War event. Two StarCraft stages are also being added as new battle maps.

You might consider reading past the first sentence (the answer is in the 2nd one).

Dat Roadhog tho.

That chart is a joke. DVA & Roadhog are not underpowered at all.

To be fair, his data is only based on usage rates over the course of a week, and only rates at the highest level of play. For the vast majority of Overwatch’s user base that data means essentially nothing. He even says in the article himself that his data is very subjective. He also mentions that there were very few

Saw it for the first time last weekend. Love it. Don’t watch the trailer. It gives too much away. It is 99% comedy. There is very little if any horror in there. But gore. Lots of gore.

The older I get the, the more I disconnect myself with other “gamers.” I just don't understand this mindset, ****ing nut jobs.

Fuck Pokemon Go. I’m ready for an actual Pokemon game like the ones Game Freak makes.

Alright. I was on board with Dad 776, but this doesn’t even resemble the character at all in any of these pictures. It’s just some fat millennial hanging out or screwing a skinny Billy Idol.

At least gremlin D.Va was funny, this shit is just cringe as hell.

Burn Tumblr to the ground.

I didn’t miss that. I’m just saying these fans are out of their minds. The previous fan items such as this at least had some reflection of the actual character.

What?! No! NOTHING about Roadhog conveys that he’s shy, or emo, and there’s nothing about him that says he’s anywhere close to being a teen - he’s forty eight years old! A shy person does not spout out lines like “Violence is usually the answer,” and “I’m a one man apocalypse,” then laughs in your face when he beats

They already did.

When you go out and buy a big boy PC :)

Both my wife and I have our eye on No Man’s Sky, but after the early retail copy dropped, and some of the other things I’ve been seeing/hearing (including this article), we’ve both decided to hold off for a few weeks until the bugs can get worked out a bit better.

Luke Mancini is an artist at Blizzard, where he’s worked on stuff like the StarCraft series and Heroes of the Storm.