
Wrong. It has all the options. Why do you think the srt Grand Cherokee, Porsche Cayenne gts etc.. All sell so well? Because guys who have to lug kids around still want a fast car and since they can't typically have both, they have to find one that encompasses both. I'm a gearhead and would only buy the fastest if


Dem Fuch's...

I can't see spending this much on sub-compact. CP

This isn't about it being a jetski or a boat. It's about a boatski, being made to look like a JEEP and they executed it nicely. NP

I hear you. My wife makes 10% of what I make and want's 100% of her opinion on what to do with it count. I agreed because it's not worth the fight.

If you're married, i's no longer YOURS, it's OURS.

What people want and what people pay are two different things. My opinion, CP.

CP. I love the color, everything except the price. I think it's a good buy around 6k but not above 7.

I saw this.....

The 328i is a non-turbo, thus reliable. Good looking car

To be fair, I know there will be mark-ups but this will hold it's value quite well I predict.

This, this is something I can really get behind.... NP

lol. What else would you do with this? Museum piece? To drive this around and pretend you are in anything less than a 10k car is crazy.

HAHAHA. Love the analogy.

My current DD gets 9mpg so I'm not too stirred by that. I wouldn't think people would buy this to restore, at 10k it's perfect for an upgraded motor swap and perhaps hitting the tracks to blow peoples minds.

NP.When you can buy a Bentley R at the same price as most ATV's it's a NP. Now, someone buy this and throw a LSA into the mix and hoon.

CP. If I wanted 400hp I could pick up a first gen CTS-V with better reliability and looks for the same price. If I wanted to stick with a foreign brand I could still find these swapped motors in 240's etc. for less than the asking price. This would be NP at around 10,500.

Curious on time of day this happened.

I dig it. I've been looking at these for a truck I can take to the farm and still drive in the city.