
Well, I am no conductor, I don’t really know how the determine how fast it goes, all I know is what my GPS reported. Either way as a US citizen not used to traditional train travel and certainly not high speed, it was impressive, I wish we had it here.

Got a chance to experience the high speed trains between rome and naples, it covered a lot of ground, really fast. about 50 minutes and I think my GPS was reporting about 150mph. The more rural track sections had it going much slower though, probably not much higher than 60-70mph.

leaves your character with 1hp, that seems pretty pointless, if I know anything about FE, the next unit on the enemy team will just run up to your unit and kill it right off.

yes what the fuck is this two button mashing battle system???

Panamera Coupe. Done. Chop two doors off and shorten it up. They used old 928 chassis for panamera powertrain test-beds already.

Now playing

He’s got a tendency to bump people in or while exiting a turn....

Magnussen bumps out another car to end a race... where have I heard this one before...

You know they won’t be.

I have seen a few street parked teslas around my neighborhood, I really am curious how they charge.

Frankly a huge part of the problem is the ride-sharing cars. They are the cause of a lot of traffic, constantly double parking, pulling over, u-turns in random places to go chase down a fare, all so someone doesn’t have to take a bus or a train, or walk a few blocks. I drive around for work as an insurance adjuster

This is a long time coming. I do believe many states already have protections on the books but a federal one would be a big help.

Well, they were all kind of destroyed in the late ninties and early aughts. When a car gets to a $3000 price point and comes in manual and rear wheel drive, you can be certain a bunch of teens will snatch them up and absolutely destroy them.

I live in a fairly shitty part of brooklyn now and people ask me “Are you ever worried, that’s not a great neighborhood” I generally chuckle and say “I’m from Youngstown Ohio. I’ve never felt safer.”

A lot of very familiar names here and standard fare youngstown corruption. Having moved out a few years ago, it’s all very sad to see what is happening back there. My cousin took one of those buyout jobs and is now working in Michigan until the kids are done with school and they’re going to all move up there then.

Well, is the tesla not still attached to a capsule or has it been completely released, floating all out there by itself?

How do you afford your rock‘n’roll lifestyle?

Logically, being a bunny I would expect a fire/ground type. Since they burrow, you know.

Doesn’t give a fuck enough about the car (or what it’s worth) to leave on the street but gives enough about the money to dodge taxes? I’m actually a little infuriated here.

Hmm, still segmenting the community with map packs I see. I fell for the “season pass” gimmick one to many times, no more, activision.

still with the ej25......