A friend’s father had one back in college I got a chance to drive... it was pretty cool. He had some other cool shit too, one day I got to take a 69 GT350 for a spin. One wheeler peelers for days
A friend’s father had one back in college I got a chance to drive... it was pretty cool. He had some other cool shit too, one day I got to take a 69 GT350 for a spin. One wheeler peelers for days
I know a gentleman who has two, one in gulf livery with less than 50 miles on it and one in blue with white that has probably closer to 1,000 miles.
you’re breaking the narrative. 911's are expensive and unreliable.
Ha, he should have spent another 750 to swap the bearing.
I don’t think there’s any car I would be less concerned about reliability than a 996 or later (outside of the IMS thing)
I’ll be honest, the title “nightmare” sounds a little clickbaity
I’m surprised he wasn’t sued into oblivion by thew airline. I would expect those slides cost into the six figures to replace.
What you didn’t see is when the diff blew into 9 million pieces on the 6th pass and cylinder head, high pressure fuel pump tappet thing and oil pump all gave up the ghost simultaneously sending shrapnel through the engine.
it.... it works....
Yes, and if the only thing selling these cars is doing is giving dealers service customers, I’m sure they can do without it.
I was actually just looking at E30's as the itch has bit me again and these prices are insane.
I used to feel the same way for pretty much my entire life but I got into the game during the 16 series run for the tribe and honestly I absolutely love it now. Hard to say why, it seems slow and boring but there really is a lot going on.
I wish the kickstand worked at a bit more shallow of an angle. It’s so steep, awful viewing angles.
Is this trolling? This feels like trolling. I feel like I am being trolled right now. Is this what people think trolling is?
I see you’re completely clueless about what it happening on twitch right now.
Or... because they’re already charging $42,000 for the STI so what’s another 8,000?
The new ones are pretty good, in that regard...
shhh, don’t ruin his argument with facts.
For the whole brake setup with carbon ceramic rotors, not just using ceramic pads on steel rotors
XX is a punch in the dick too, world should come out for switch.