Velvet Elvis

I’ll place my order for a 7 year old Shooting Brake, with 3 pedals, tan interior and an earth-tone exterior today if they’ll let me.

Maybe they could get Vlad from Garage54 to run the place. It can’t be too far from Russia, and his expertise may be just what they need to keep supply costs down.

I think ALL Jaloops should get on this through Kickstarter!

Hell Yes. Then they could build the brown manual wagon of our dreams and sell 2 of them.

Put it on the Expense Account

I would pay so much real money to watch a behind-the-scenes documentary series of Tracy & Torchinsky trying to start a car manufacturing business. Being in Ukraine would be worth at least an extra $10. So... $20?

Kodak fucked itself and fuck itself hard.

Also a good name.

You sure won’t be able to unsee it.

Ah fuck, I'm never gonna unsee that now.

“No shutdown for you! Come back, one year”

More like a looker that was sold into service, ridden waaay too hard in a short time, and is being kicked to the curb now that the newness is gone.

And contracted some terminal illnesses from its multiple partners.

The F1 has a special place in history as one of the greatest cars ever made. 80 years from now they will be looked upon the same way we look at the Bugatti Atlantic.

Looks like Ricciardo left the wings at Red Bull.

Almost. Look into Huntsville Alabama (where Toyota has their engine plant and Toyota/Mazda are building a factory) before you make an assumption about the workforce there.

$10,000 and a Forte?

Let me go for a ride in a stanced VW.

he would of had to... 

He’s awesome.