I wouldn’t worry too much. In fact, I expect a massive influx of mods with this team in particular. Likely they won’t be flattering at all.
I wouldn’t worry too much. In fact, I expect a massive influx of mods with this team in particular. Likely they won’t be flattering at all.
or the 1701-year-old runes from backers complaining about a lack of shipping updates
This sounds like a research study waiting to happen.
My advice to the world; get the fuck off Twitter.
in his defense, I don’t think he’s smart enough to be Bob Page
Saw it, can confirm. Especially that part where Aerith looks directly into the camera and tells you how to revive her in the original game - I kinda wish I had seen that in the context of the actual story.
This makes me happysad. What a beautiful mural.
Also, nice one Luke with the “As upstart young Vice reporter Gita Jackson writes...”
This is like the most impressive dumb thing I’ve ever seen.
This removal comment will be removed as it breaks rule [17]
Sorry your comment will be deleted because it’s outside of the approved thread and you didn’t coordinate the your flair with the day of the week.
They aren’t required to make such statements. If anything the Hardee’s one is an example of what happens when we become too litigious.
Thank you for the nightmare fuel. Lovecraft would be proud. I think it's the drool that really completes it.
Note what she says, though. She calls traditional Chinese medicine a “symptomatic treatment”, meaning she implies that TCM doesn’t actually do anything, other than making people feel better because they think something is being done to help them.
I will ride it if upon reaching your stop, everyone is required to congratulate you.
A part of the experience, the train only be operated by emotionally fragile 14 year olds who often skip work, making everyone extremely late. Also, this train sometimes eats other trains to gain their power.
And once again it has been proven that Bulbasaur is the greatest Pokemon of all time.
Jim Spanfeller is a boneheaded incompetent idiot and I have no idea why anyone would expect him to make a smart business decision.
“Unless that was poorly-worded sarcasm, I guess.”
It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.