Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
$20 bucks for 3 hours is less than minimum wage. That doesn’t sound great at all.
Ok shut up, is the new one actually named Qatherine? Because that’s a Game Grumps joke.
“it’s only real Typeface if it’s from the Typefacé region. Otherwise it’s just sparkling font”
There are much, much better ways to phrase this. Saying it was an inevitable outcome given how the US has intervened in the middle east is a lot different than implying that the 3,000ish people who died on 9/11 “deserved it”. I wonder if he’d say that Imperial Japan “deserved” Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Recently, my job had an outing to the Museum of Tolerance for a teambuilding event (yes, my job kicks ass). We saw a Holocaust Survivor speak and he talked about how his father had been a successful enough soccer player to come to America, where the speaker’s brother was born. Because of that, during the Holocaust,…
I play co-ed rec league softball, but it’s typically kids in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. For the first time last night we faced a batter in his 60s, and we could not for the life of us get that old fucker out. He probably looked out at the field and thought Imma splash these whippersnapper motherfuckers, because he put…
Has anyone looked into McNaughton?
This is outrageous! The only purpose of the three button controller was to give to my friend when he came over.
👉 (My forehead hurts)
... whatever.
Yeah how dare they continually improve their services & in some cases revert back to something if that change isn’t working. Yes if only they were more like Epic & had no features at all!
See, this is the problem. These shitheads make the rest of us look bad. We all get lumped together as “gamers” in some way or another. Like any group, there are the fuckups and the regular people. The fuckups don’t speak for the rest of us.